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| Зарегистрировал 3-символьный домен в зоне .company На мыло пришло уведомление от регистратора с предупреждением об использовании trademark. Пока от самой торговой марки ничего не пришло, да и компаний с таким названием я нашел, по меньшей мере 5. Вот текст письма:
Trademark Notice for ***.company You have received this Trademark Notice because you have applied for a domain name which matches at least one trademark record submitted to the Trademark Clearinghouse. You may or may not be entitled to register the domain name depending on your intended use and whether it is the same or significantly overlaps with the trademarks listed below. Your rights to register this domain name may or may not be protected as noncommercial use or "fair use" by the laws of your country. Please read the trademark information below carefully, including the trademarks, jurisdictions, and goods and service for which the trademarks are registered. Please be aware that not all jurisdictions review trademark applications closely, so some of the trademark information below may exist in a national or regional registry which does not conduct a thorough or substantive review of trademark rights prior to registration. If you have questions, you may want to consult an attorney or legal expert on trademarks and intellectual property for guidance. If you continue with this registration, you represent that, you have received and you understand this notice and to the best of your knowledge, your registration and use of the requested domain name will not infringe on the trademark rights listed below. The following Trademarks are listed in the Trademark Clearinghouse: Mark: *** Jurisdiction: EM Goods: 35Accountancy services; preparation of accounts and advisory services relating to accounts, auditing, insolvency and taxation; provision of financial information; financial reporting; consultancy services relating to accountancy; corporate advisory services; recruitment of accountancy personnel 36Provision of and advising on financial information; perparation of and advising on financial reports and analysis; administration of financial affaris; financial appraisals; valuations; financial services all relating to accountancy and investment advice including underwriting and placing of securities. 42Arbitration services; litigation services. Trademark Registrant Name: Company: THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS IN ENGLAND AND WALES Address: P.O. Box 433 City: London State/Province: Postal: EC2P 2BJ Phone: Fax: Email: Техподдержка регистратора внятного ничего не сказала, якобы, если захотят, могут подать иск в WIPO и я буду оплачивать $9000 за суд, а может ничего не будет, а может и полюбовно договорятся... Кто чем может помочь, объясните ситуацию пожалуйста. |