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PHP код: <?php function playerdata( $platform ) { $add = ""; if ( !empty( "platform" ) ) { $add = "AND games.gURLPlatform = '{$platform}'"; } $playerdata = mysql_query( "SELECT games.gTitle,games.gPlatform,games.gID,playerreviews.gPlayerReviewTitle,playerreviews.gPlayerReviewScore FROM games,playerreviews WHERE games.gID=playerreviews.gID AND (games.gURLPlatform = 'pc' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'xbox360' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ps3' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ds' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'wii' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'psp' OR games.gURLPlatform = '3ds' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ps2' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'iphone' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'android') AND games.gReleaseDate > '{$yearspan}' {$add} GROUP BY (playerreviews.gID) order by games.gReleaseDate DESC LIMIT 6" ); while ( $row5 = mysql_fetch_array( $playerdata ) ) { $d0 = $row5['gID']; $d1 = substr( $row5['gTitle'], 0, 35 ); if ( empty( "platform" ) ) { $d1 .= " <small>[".$row5['gPlatform']."]</small>"; } $d6 = str_replace( "{$d1}, ", "", $row5['gPlayerReviewTitle'] ); $d6 = str_replace( "{$d1} is ", "", $d6 ); $d6 = str_replace( "{$d1}", "", $d6 ); $d6 = str_replace( "'", "'", $d6 ); $d6 = substr( $d6, 0, 75 ); $d7 = $row5['gPlayerReviewScore']; if ( "9" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Editor Choice"; } else if ( $d7 < "9" && "8" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Superb"; } else if ( $d7 < "8" && "7" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Great"; } else if ( "7" <= $d7 && "6" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Good"; } else if ( "6" <= $d7 && "5" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Fair"; } else if ( "5" <= $d7 && "4" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Mediocre"; } else if ( "4" <= $d7 && "3" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Poor"; } else if ( "3" <= $d7 && "2" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Bad"; } else if ( "2" <= $d7 && "1" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Terrible"; } else if ( "1" <= $d7 && "0" <= $d7 ) { $rating = "Abysmal"; } echo "\r\n \t<div class=\"littleround latestReleasesEven\">\r\n<div style=\"text-align:left; float:right; font-size: 9px; \">Score: <b>".$d7."</b></div>\r\n<a href=\"player-review.php?gid=".$d0."\" class=\"reviewsLink\" style=\"margin-left:-3px;\">".$d1."</a><br><div style=\"margin: 0 auto;width:283px;\">\r\n<div style=\"text-align:left;float:left;width:220px;margin-left:-5px;font-size: 10px;;\">".$d6."</div>\r\n<div style=\"color:#419bce;float:right; font-size: 9px; \"><b>".$rating."</b></div> \r\n<div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\r\n</div></div>"; } }
$page = "index.php"; include( "header.php" ); echo "\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq1\">\r\n<img src='images/pandas/featured.gif' style='position:absolute;margin-top:-6px;margin-left:12px;'><img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/editorspicks.png\" border=\"0\" class=\"heading\" style='margin-left:42px;padding-top:7px;margin-bottom:-3px;' alt=\"\" />\r\n<p align=\"center\" id=\"player\" class=\"littleround hot\">\r\n"; echo "<s"; echo "cript type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n\t\tvar FO = { \tmovie:\"imagerotator.swf\",width:\"504\",height:\"327\",majorversion:\"7\",build:\"0\",bgcolor:\"#143d55\",flashvars:\"shownavigation=false&showicons=true\$thumbsinplaylist=true&transition=fade&backcolor=0x143d55&linkfromdisplay=true&rotatetime=9\" };\r\n\t\tUFO.create(FO, \"player\");\r\n\t</script>\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n"; $yearspan = date( "Y-m-d", time( ) - 3600 * 24 * 30 * 6 ); $reviewdata = mysql_query( "SELECT games.gURLPlatform,games.gID,games.gTitle,reviews.gVideoReviewImage,games.gPlatform,games.gGenre,reviews.gReviewTitle,reviews.gDate FROM games,reviews WHERE games.gID=reviews.gID AND reviews.gDate > '{$yearspan}' AND (games.gURLPlatform = 'pc' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'xbox360' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ps3' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ds' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'wii' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'psp' OR games.gURLPlatform = '3ds' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ps2' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'iphone' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'android') GROUP BY (games.gTitle) order by reviews.gDate DESC LIMIT 50" ); $newsdata = mysql_query( "SELECT news.ID,games.gURLPlatform,games.gID,games.gTitle,news.gNewsImage,news.gNewsSummary,games.gPlatform,games.gGenre,news.gNewsTitle,news.gNewsDate FROM games,news WHERE games.gID=news.gID AND news.gNewsDate > '{$yearspan}' AND (games.gURLPlatform = 'pc' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'xbox360' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ps3' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ds' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'wii' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'psp' OR games.gURLPlatform = '3ds' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'ps2' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'iphone' OR games.gURLPlatform = 'android') AND news.gNewsImage != '' GROUP BY (news.gNewsTitle) order by news.gNewsDate DESC LIMIT 10" ); echo "<div class=\"rounded kutiq2\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/latestreviews.png\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"heading\" />\r\n\t<div class=\"reviewsList\">\r\n\t\r\n"; $revnum = 1; $revadd = ""; while ( ( $row3 = mysql_fetch_array( $reviewdata ) ) && $revnum <= 9 ) { $d0 = $row3['gID']; $d11 = $row3['gTitle']; if ( 25 < strlen( $row3['gTitle'] ) ) { $d1 = substr( $row3['gTitle'], 0, 25 ).".."; } else { $d1 = substr( $row3['gTitle'], 0, 25 ); } $d2 = $row3['gURLPlatform']; $dd2 = ""; if ( $d2 == "xbox360" ) { $dd2 = "360.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "pc" ) { $dd2 = "pc.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "ps3" ) { $dd2 = "ps3.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "wii" ) { $dd2 = "wii.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "ds" ) { $dd2 = "ds.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "3ds" ) { $dd2 = "ds.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "psp" ) { $dd2 = "psp_2.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "ps2" ) { $dd2 = "psp.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "iphone" ) { $dd2 = "ip.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "android" ) { $dd2 = "ad.jpg"; } $d3 = $row3['gGenre']; $d5 = date( "d M Y", strtotime( $row3['gDate'] ) ); $d7 = $row3['gVideoReviewImage']; $d6 = str_replace( "{$d11}, ", "", $row3['gReviewTitle'] ); $d6 = str_replace( "{$d11} is ", "", $d6 ); $d6 = str_replace( "{$d11}", "", $d6 ); $d6 = str_replace( "'", "'", $d6 ); if ( 98 < strlen( $d6 ) ) { $d6 = substr( $d6, 0, 98 )."..."; } else { $d6 = substr( $d6, 0, 98 ); } if ( file_exists( "Image/covers/".$d7 ) ) { if ( 5 <= $revnum ) { $revadd .= "\r\n \t<div class=\"littleround latestReleasesEven\" style=\"height: 60px;\">\r\n<a href=\"review.php?gid=".$d0."\" class=\"reviewsLink\"><img class=\"littleround\" src=\"Image/covers/".$d7."\" alt=\"".$d1."\" title=\"\" align=\"left\" />\r\n <img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/small/".$dd2."\" class=\"platformIcon2\" style=\"\" alt=\"".$d2."\" border=\"0\">".$d1."<p style=\"font-weight:normal;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;\">".$d6."</p>\r\n</a>\r\n<br /></div>\r\n "; ++$revnum; } else { echo "\r\n \t<div class=\"littleround latestReleasesEven\" style=\"height: 60px;\">\r\n<a href=\"review.php?gid=".$d0."\" class=\"reviewsLink\"><img class=\"littleround\" src=\"Image/covers/".$d7."\" alt=\"".$d1."\" title=\"\" align=\"left\" />\r\n <img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/small/".$dd2."\" class=\"platformIcon2\" style=\"\" alt=\"".$d2."\" border=\"0\">".$d1."<p style=\"font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;\">".$d6."</p>\r\n</a>\r\n<br /></div>\r\n "; ++$revnum; } } } echo "\t\t</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiqAdv\" style=\"text-align:center;\">\r\n\t\r\n"; echo $sitead3; echo "\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq3\" align=\"left\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/latestheadlines.png\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"heading\" style='margin-top:5px;' />\r\n"; while ( $row4 = mysql_fetch_array( $newsdata ) ) { $d0 = $row4['gID']; $d00 = $row4['ID']; $d1 = substr( $row4['gNewsTitle'], 0, 120 ); $d2 = $row4['gURLPlatform']; $dd2 = ""; if ( $d2 == "xbox360" ) { $dd2 = "360.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "pc" ) { $dd2 = "pc.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "ps3" ) { $dd2 = "ps3.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "wii" ) { $dd2 = "wii.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "ds" ) { $dd2 = "ds.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "3ds" ) { $dd2 = "ds.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "psp" ) { $dd2 = "psp_2.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "ps2" ) { $dd2 = "psp.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "iphone" ) { $dd2 = "ip.jpg"; } else if ( $d2 == "android" ) { $dd2 = "ad.jpg"; } $d3 = $row4['gGenre']; $d5 = date( "d M Y", strtotime( $row4['gNewsDate'] ) ); $d7 = $row4['gNewsImage']; $d6 = str_replace( "{$d1}, ", "", $row4['gNewsSummary'] ); $d6 = str_replace( "{$d1} is ", "", $d6 ); $d6 = str_replace( "{$d1}", "", $d6 ); $d6 = str_replace( "'", "'", $d6 ); if ( 170 < strlen( $d6 ) ) { $d6 = substr( $d6, 0, 170 ).".."; } else { $d6 = substr( $d6, 0, 170 ); } if ( file_exists( "Image/covers/".$d7 ) ) { echo "\r\n \t<div class=\"littleround newest\" style=\"margin-bottom:3px;\">\r\n<a href=\"new.php?gid=".$d0."&id=".$d00."\"><img class=\"littleround\" src=\"Image/covers/".$d7."\" alt=\"".$d1."\" title=\"\" align=\"left\" />\r\n <div style=\"height:75px;\"><span style=\"cursor:hand;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;\"><strong style=\"cursor:hand;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;margin-right:-5px;\">".$d1."</strong>".$d6."</div><span style=\"color:#7f9aaa;text-align:left;\"><img title=\"".$d2."\" src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/small/".$dd2."\" alt=\"\" border=\"\" class=\"platformIcon\" /><small><img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/clock_icon.gif\" class=\"oclock\"> ".$d5." </small></span></span>\r\n\t\t</a></div>\r\n "; } } echo "\t\r\n<br style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq4\" style='height:467px;'>\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/lpnone.png\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"heading\" style='margin-bottom:-7px;' />\r\n\t<div class=\"onlineList\">\r\n\t\t"; echo $revadd; echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq12\">\r\n\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/lpr.png\" alt=\"\" class=\"headings\" />\r\n<div class=\"tab_content\" style=\"display: block;\">\r\n<br>\r\n<div id=\"tab1_content\" style=\"display: none;\">\r\n\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n"; playerdata( "xbox360" ); echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"tab2_content\" style=\"display: none;\">\r\n\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n"; playerdata( "pc" ); echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"tab3_content\" style=\"display: none;\">\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n"; playerdata( "ps3" ); echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"tab4_content\" style=\"display: none;\">\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n"; playerdata( "wii" ); echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"tab5_content\" style=\"display: none;\">\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n"; playerdata( "3ds" ); echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"tab6_content\" style=\"display: none;\">\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n"; playerdata( "iphone" ); echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"tab7_content\" style=\"display: block;\">\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n"; playerdata( "" ); echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"tabs\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: 30px; width:300px;\">\r\n\t\t\t<h3 onclick=\"changeTab('tab1');\" class=\"tab_big_noactive360\" id=\"tab1\"></h3>\r\n\t\t\t<h3 onclick=\"changeTab('tab2');\" class=\"tab_big_noactivePC\" id=\"tab2\"></h3>\r\n\t\t\t<h3 onclick=\"changeTab('tab3');\" class=\"tab_big_noactivePS3\" id=\"tab3\"></h3>\r\n\t\t\t<h3 onclick=\"changeTab('tab4');\" class=\"tab_big_noactiveWII\" id=\"ta"; echo "b4\"></h3>\r\n\t\t\t<h3 onclick=\"changeTab('tab5');\" class=\"tab_big_noactiveDS\" id=\"tab5\"></h3>\r\n\t\t\t<h3 onclick=\"changeTab('tab6');\" class=\"tab_big_noactiveip\" id=\"tab6\"></h3>\t\r\n\r\n\t\t<div class=\"clear\"></div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n\r\n<br style=\"clear: both; float: left;\" />\r\n\r\n<div style=\"float: left; width: 70px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 4px; padding:0; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 10px;\">\r\n<a name="; echo "'latest_video'></a>\r\n\t"; echo "<s"; echo "pan onclick=\"changeTabb('tabb20');\" class=\"tab_mediaActive\" id=\"tabb20\"><img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/adv/video-media.jpg\" style=\"width: 70px; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: 0;\" /></span>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"bigHorisozntalAdvpodVideo\">\r\n<a href='http://www.amazon.com/God-War-III-Playstation-3/dp/B000ZK9QCS/ref="; echo $amazonid; echo "?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1272665599&sr=1-1' target='_blank'><img src='ads/ad2.jpg' border='0' alt='' /></a>\r\n</div>\r\n<div style=\"float: left; width: 70px; margin-left: 6px; padding:0; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 10px;\">\r\n<a name='latest_gallery'></a>\r\n"; echo "<s"; echo "pan onclick=\"changeTabb('tabb21');\" class=\"tab_mediaNoActive\" id=\"tabb21\">\t<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/adv/gallery-media.jpg\" style=\"width: 70px; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: 0;\" /> </span>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"rounded kutiq\">\r\n\r\n<div style=\"background: #1e4861; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 3px; float: left;\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/latestOnlineSlider2.jpg\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" style=\"float: left;\" />\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<di"; echo "v class=\"tab_content\" style=\"display: block;\">\r\n\t<div id=\"tab20_content\" style=\"display: block;\">\r\n<div style=\"float:left; width: 10px; margin: 0; padding: 0;\">\r\n<a href=\"#\" class=\"linkz0r\" onClick=\"my_glider.previous();return false;\"><img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/arrow-left-media.jpg\" style=\"margin: 0; margin-bottom:-5px;border-bottom: 5px solid #1e4861;\" padding: 0;\" /></a>\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"my-gliderVideo\">\t\r\n<div"; echo " class=\"scroller\" style='background:#1e4861;'>\r\n<div class=\"content\"><div class=\"section\" id=\"section1\">\r\n<div class=\"spisyk2\">\r\n\t\t <ul>\r\n\t \r\n"; $videodata = mysql_query( "SELECT videos.ID,games.gID,games.gTitle,games.gPlatform,videos.gVideosTitle,videos.ID,videos.gVideosImage,videos.gVideosDate FROM games,videos WHERE games.gID=videos.gID AND videos.gVideosImage != '' AND videos.gvideosDate > '{$yearspan}' AND games.gReleaseDate > '{$yearspan}' GROUP BY (games.gTitle) order by videos.gVideosDate DESC LIMIT 40 " ); $iv = 1; $sec = 2; while ( $rowv = mysql_fetch_array( $videodata ) ) { $d00 = $rowv['ID']; $d0 = $rowv['gID']; $d1 = $rowv['gTitle']; $d11 = substr( $rowv['gVideosTitle'], 0, 70 ); $d2 = $rowv['gVideosDate']; $d4 = $rowv['gVideosImage']; echo "\r\n<li class=\"littleround\"><a href=\"video.php?gid=".$d0."&id=".$d00."\" title=\"".$d11."\"><img src=\"Image/covers/".$d4."\" width=\"140\" height=\"80\" title=\"".$d11."\" /></a>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t<div ><a href=\"video.php?gid=".$d0."&id=".$d00."\" title=\"".$d11."\" class=\"linkz0r3\" title=\"".$d11."\">".$d11."</a></div></li>\r\n"; if ( $iv == 10 || $iv == 20 || $iv == 30 ) { echo "</ul>\r\n</div>\r\n</div><div class=\"section\" id=\"section".$sec."\">\r\n<div class=\"spisyk2\">\r\n\t\t <ul>"; ++$sec; } ++$iv; } echo "</ul>\r\n</div></div>\r\n</div></div>\r\n<div style=\"float:left; width: 15px;\">\r\n<a href=\"#\" class=\"linkz0r\" onClick=\"my_glider.next();return false;\"><img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/arrow-right-media.jpg\" style=\"margin-bottom:-5px;border-bottom: 5px solid #1e4861;\" margin:0; padding: 0;\" /></a>\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>"; echo "<s"; echo "cript type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n\t\tvar my_glider = new Glider('my-gliderVideo', {duration:0.8});\r\n\t</script>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"tab21_content\" style=\"display: none;\">\r\n<div style=\"float:left; width: 10px;\">\r\n<a href=\"#\" class=\"linkz0r\" onClick=\"my_glider2.previous();return false;\"><img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/arrow-left-media.jpg\" style=\" margin-bottom:-5px;border-bottom: 5px solid #1e4861;\" margin:0; padd"; echo "ing: 0;\" /></a>\r\n</div>\r\n<div id=\"my-gliderGallery\">\t\r\n<div class=\"scroller\" style='background:#1e4861;'>\r\n<div class=\"content\"><div class=\"section\" id=\"section1\">\r\n<div class=\"spisyk2\">\r\n\t\t <ul>\r\n\r\n"; $gallerydata = mysql_query( "SELECT galleries.ID,games.gID,games.gTitle,games.gPlatform,galleries.gImages,galleries.gDate FROM games,galleries WHERE games.gID=galleries.gID AND galleries.gDate > '{$yearspan}' AND games.gReleaseDate > '{$yearspan}' AND gUserVotes > '100' GROUP BY (games.gTitle) order by galleries.gDate DESC LIMIT 40" ); $iv = 1; $sec = 2; while ( $rowg = mysql_fetch_array( $gallerydata ) ) { $d0 = $rowg['gID']; $d1 = $rowg['gTitle']; $d2 = date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( $rowg['gDate'] ) ); $d4 = $rowg['gImages']; echo "\r\n <li class=\"littleround\"><a href=\"gallery.php?gid=".$d0."\"><img src=\"Image/covers/".$d4."\" width=\"140\" height=\"80\" alt=\"\" /></a>\r\n\t\t\t<div><a href=\"gallery.php?gid=".$d0."\" class=\"linkz0r3\">".$d1."</a><br /><span style=\"color: #3c7698;\"><small>/".$d2."/</small></span></div></li>\r\n"; if ( $iv == 10 || $iv == 20 || $iv == 30 ) { echo "</ul>\r\n</div>\r\n</div><div class=\"section\" id=\"section".$sec."\">\r\n<div class=\"spisyk2\">\r\n\t\t <ul>"; ++$sec; } ++$iv; } echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div></div>\r\n<div style=\"float:left; width: 15px;\">\r\n<a href=\"#\" class=\"linkz0r\" onClick=\"my_glider2.next();return false;\"><img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/arrow-right-media.jpg\" style=\"margin-bottom:-5px;border-bottom: 5px solid #1e4861;\" margin:0; padding: 0;\" /></a>\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>"; echo "<s"; echo "cript type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n\t\tvar my_glider2 = new Glider('my-gliderGallery', {duration:0.8});\r\n\t</script>\r\n<div id=\"rounded kutiq\">\r\n<div style=\"width: 100%; margin-top:-20px; padding-bottom: 3px; float: left;\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/latestOnlineSlider.jpg\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" style=\"float: left;\" />\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq13\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/lpg.png"; echo "\" class=\"headingstats\" />\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n"; $gamedata = mysql_query( "SELECT games.gURLPlatform,games.gID,games.gTitle,games.gURLTitle,games.gURLGenre,games.gPlatform,games.gGenre,games.gReleaseDate,games.gDeveloper,games.gPublisher,games.gESRB,games.gScore,games.gPoster FROM games WHERE games.gReleaseDate > '{$yearspan}' GROUP BY (games.gTitle) ORDER BY gUserVotes DESC LIMIT 10" ); $pop = 1; while ( $row6 = mysql_fetch_array( $gamedata ) ) { $d1 = $row6['gTitle']; $d2 = $row6['gPoster']; $d3 = $row6['gScore']; $d4 = $row6['gDeveloper']; $d5 = substr( $row6['gPublisher'], 0, 25 ); $d6 = substr( $row6['gGenre'], 0, 20 ); $d7 = date( "d/m/y", strtotime( $row6['gReleaseDate'] ) ); $d8 = substr( $row6['gESRB'], 0, 15 ); list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = width if ( !( $width < $height ) ) { continue; } echo "\r\n <ul class=\"round listTheLatestGamesIndex\"><a href=\"game.php?title=".$row6['gURLTitle']."&genre=".$row6['gURLGenre']."&platform=".$row6['gURLPlatform']."\" style=\"font-family:verdana;text-decoration:none;\">\r\n<center><div style=\"height:40px;\"><b>".$d1."</b></div>\r\n <img src=\"Image/covers/".$d2."\" style=\"margin-top:-5px;border:2px solid #09314A;\" alt=\"".$d1."\" height=\"130\">\r\n<br><font style=\"color:#051d2c;\">....................................</font><br><font style=\"font-size:10px;\"></center>\r\n <li>Score: <b>".$d3."</b></li>\r\n <li>".$d5."</li>\r\n <li>".$d4."</li>\r\n <li>".$d6."</li>\r\n <li>Release: ".$d7."</li>\r\n <li>ESRB: ".$d8."</li></font>\r\n\r\n\t\t<br><font style=\"color:#051d2c;\">....................................</font></a></ul>\r\n "; ++$pop; if ( !( 5 < $pop ) ) { continue; } break; break; } echo "\t</div>\r\n\r\n<br style=\"float: left; clear: both;\" />\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq7\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/availablenow.png\" class=\"headingstats2\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />\r\n<div align=\"center\"><Br>\r\n\r\n"; $game2data = mysql_query( "SELECT games.gURLPlatform,games.gID,games.gTitle,games.gURLTitle,games.gURLGenre,games.gPlatform FROM games WHERE games.gReleaseDate > '{$yearspan}' AND games.gUserVotes > '600' GROUP BY (gTitle) ORDER BY gReleaseDate DESC LIMIT 8" ); while ( $row7 = mysql_fetch_array( $game2data ) ) { echo "\r\n<div class=\"littleround lReleasesEven\">\r\n<a href=\"game.php?title=".$row7['gURLTitle']."&genre=".$row7['gURLGenre']."&platform=".$row7['gURLPlatform']."\" class=\"reviewsLink\">".substr( $row7['gTitle'], 0, 35 )." <small style=\"float:right;font-size:9px;font-family:verdana;\">[".$row7['gPlatform']."]</small></a>\r\n</div>\r\n "; } echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq7tochka1\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/comingsoon2.png\" class=\"headingstats2\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />\r\n<div align=\"center\"><Br>\r\n"; $today = date( "Y-m-d", time( ) - 3600 * 24 * 30 * 6 ); $game3data = mysql_query( "SELECT games.gURLPlatform,games.gID,games.gTitle,games.gURLTitle,games.gURLGenre,games.gPlatform FROM games WHERE games.gReleaseDate > '{$today}' GROUP BY (gTitle) ORDER BY gReleaseDate DESC LIMIT 8" ); while ( $row8 = mysql_fetch_array( $game3data ) ) { echo "\r\n<div class=\"littleround lReleasesEven\">\r\n<a href=\"game.php?title=".$row8['gURLTitle']."&genre=".$row8['gURLGenre']."&platform=".$row8['gURLPlatform']."\" class=\"reviewsLink\">".substr( $row8['gTitle'], 0, 35 )." <small style=\"float:right;font-size:9px;font-family:verdana;\">[".$row8['gPlatform']."]</small></a>\r\n</div>\r\n "; } echo "</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq7tochka1\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/highestrated2.png\" class=\"headingstats2\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />\r\n<div align=\"center\"><Br>\r\n\r\n"; $game4data = mysql_query( "SELECT games.gURLPlatform,games.gID,games.gTitle,games.gURLTitle,games.gURLGenre,games.gPlatform FROM games WHERE games.gReleaseDate > '{$today}' AND games.gUserVotes > '600' GROUP BY (gTitle) ORDER BY gScore DESC LIMIT 8" ); while ( $row9 = mysql_fetch_array( $game4data ) ) { echo "\r\n<div class=\"littleround lReleasesEven\">\r\n<a href=\"game.php?title=".$row9['gURLTitle']."&genre=".$row9['gURLGenre']."&platform=".$row9['gURLPlatform']."\" class=\"reviewsLink\">".substr( $row9['gTitle'], 0, 35 )." <small style=\"float:right;font-size:9px;font-family:verdana;\">[".$row9['gPlatform']."]</small></a>\r\n</div>\r\n "; } echo "\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"rounded kutiq13\">\r\n<img src=\"http://webmasters.ru/forum/images/lpg.png\" class=\"headingstats\" />\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n"; $gamedata = mysql_query( "SELECT games.gURLPlatform,games.gID,games.gTitle,games.gURLTitle,games.gURLGenre,games.gPlatform,games.gGenre,games.gReleaseDate,games.gDeveloper,games.gPublisher,games.gESRB,games.gScore,games.gPoster FROM games WHERE games.gReleaseDate > '{$yearspan}' GROUP BY (games.gTitle) ORDER BY gUserVotes DESC LIMIT 15" ); $pop = 1; while ( $row6 = mysql_fetch_array( $gamedata ) ) { $d1 = $row6['gTitle']; $d2 = $row6['gPoster']; $d3 = $row6['gScore']; $d4 = $row6['gDeveloper']; $d5 = substr( $row6['gPublisher'], 0, 25 ); $d6 = substr( $row6['gGenre'], 0, 20 ); $d7 = date( "d/m/y", strtotime( $row6['gReleaseDate'] ) ); $d8 = substr( $row6['gESRB'], 0, 15 ); list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = width if ( !( $width < $height ) ) { continue; } if ( 5 < $pop ) { echo "\r\n <ul class=\"round listTheLatestGamesIndex\"><a href=\"game.php?title=".$row6['gURLTitle']."&genre=".$row6['gURLGenre']."&platform=".$row6['gURLPlatform']."\" style=\"font-family:verdana;text-decoration:none;\">\r\n<center><div style=\"height:40px;\"><b>".$d1."</b></div>\r\n <img src=\"Image/covers/".$d2."\" style=\"margin-top:-5px;border:2px solid #09314A;\" alt=\"".$d1."\" height=\"130\">\r\n<br><font style=\"color:#051d2c;\">....................................</font><br><font style=\"font-size:10px;\"></center>\r\n <li>Score: <b>".$d3."</b></li>\r\n <li>".$d5."</li>\r\n <li>".$d4."</li>\r\n <li>".$d6."</li>\r\n <li>Release: ".$d7."</li>\r\n <li>ESRB: ".$d8."</li></font>\r\n\r\n\t\t<br><font style=\"color:#051d2c;\">....................................</font></a></ul>\r\n "; } ++$pop; if ( !( 10 < $pop ) ) { continue; } break; break; } echo "\t</div>\r\n\r\n<br style=\"float: left; clear: both;\" />\r\n\r\n\r\n"; include( "footer.php" ); ?>