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На енглише о недвижимости:
Have you ever thought move to Albuquerque? House, after all, is a very special place and something that everyone would rather last, a place where they can plant their roots and build a family.
Have you ever thought move to Albuquerque? House, after all, is a very special place and something that everyone would rather last, a place where they can plant their roots and build a family. We cannot deny the fact that Albuquerque is a wonderful place to live in and the best location on real estate. Property prices in Albuquerque are always quite exorbitant. The value of the real estate in this area is only going to climb. Bustling with energy and life, Albuquerque is counted among the most popular cities in the United States of America. There are many steps to be followed and facts to be considered while purchasing such homes. Some real estate listings on the Internet have poor quality images and good descriptions. If you are investing in rental property, it makes sense to spend some time preparing for the evaluation of your prospective tenants. Another point to consider is what neighborhood you like to settle down with in Albuquerque. Housing and property are, after all, two of the most illiquid assets you can buy. Buying a beautiful appartment in Albuquerque is no small decision to make. Experienced local agent can give you a walkthrough of the process when you are involved in buying or selling a home for the first time. Once you've chosen your ideal location, you can enjoy researching properties, perhaps first via the Internet and then in person.Тем кто работает с енглишем поспешу сообщить о том, что статьи с первого раза с результатом 50 на 50 берут в энзину, что говорит соппсно о качестве текстовThere are enough young ones who looking for own appartment in Miami. What is the size of your family and how many bedrooms will you require as well, other rooms and which kind of site do you like? Do you prefer a rural community or more urban, as well, do you want a condo, duplex, or a home with a large property?
There are enough families who think about new flat in Miami. What is the size of your family and how many bedrooms will you require as well, other rooms and which kind of site do you like? Do you prefer a rural community or more urban, as well, do you want a condo, duplex, or a home with a large property? Real estate in Miami has always been precious and treasured. Owning a home here is also an investment. Property prices in Miami are always quite exorbitant. The value of the real estate in this area is only going to climb. Miami is often called as the city of neighborhoods, and a great place for real estates Constructing a real in Miami real estate is not difficult. Builders are constructing wonderful custom homes for families of any size. If you are currently in the market to purchase a new real or an investment property then congratulations, there is no better time than this year. Crime rate, stores, town services and recreational facilities are some of the things that you are going to be looking at when deciding the territory. In fact, now is the best time to buy a real because the only direction home prices can go is up. By putting yourself in the shoes of the buyer you can come up with many good ideas when selling your home. The next thing you should do is to decide on what features you would like your home to have. In your search, for a real Miami is a place you can buy a home that will fit your family, your income and your every need.
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100 текстов - $60
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Каждая статья содержит 1200-1500 знаков без пробелов + бонусом засылаем 5-10% статей, т.е. если заказ поступает на 1000 статей, то заказчик получает в итоге порядка 1050-1100 материалов
Сейчас генерим только недвижимость. Другие темы оговариваются индивидуально, при условии покупки не менее 1000 текстов.
---------- Сообщение добавлено 19:18 ---------- Предыдущее 19:15 ----------
сразу хочу оставить пост для умников которые иногда пишут о том что можно мол найти размножение статей на енглише за 20 долларов за 1000 знаков на 1000 текстов
конечно можно. на диджитал пойнте можно найти размножение 1 статьи на 1000 уникальных всего за 1 доллар. однако не стоит путать качество которое берут в EnzineArticle и качество которое будет не факт что лучше сгенеренного дора
ENG тексты по 40 центов за 1000 без пробелов + БОНУС
(Ответов: 1, Просмотров: 841)
- 26.05.2011 17:18
- 09.06.2011 12:39
- Регистрация: 07.01.2011
- Сообщений: 135
- Репутация: 14
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Рерайт - 0.8$/1000, Копирайтинг - 1,6$/1000, Перевод(Eng->Рус) - 1,2$/1000 | Копирайтинг, переводы, постинг | 5 | 10.08.2011 17:13 |